Bob's Gold Price Column
Observations on the market action and the implications of the gold and silver markets.
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Thursday, April 29, 2010
CNBC Allows Gold Talk
CNBC is finally getting it, allowing talk about gold and silver on their show.
Gold is holding nicely above the neckline of the upside down head and shoulders pattern.
* * * * *
America Is About To Drop Off This List Of Safest Credit Ratings
According to CMA Datavision, the U.S. ranks below nine other countries in terms of the safety of its sovereign debt. Norway is #1 and this has been discussed before on this site. But it's interesting how the Netherlands, Australia, Sweden, and Hong Kong beat out the U.S. as well.
CMA's latest report explains that Sweden and Hong Kong are new entrants into this top ten list, displacing France and Belgium. The U.S. could be next to drop off the list as well, given that it's dead last.
* * * * *
American Arrested in Mexico for Carrying 150 Gold Coins; Coins Seized
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The Latest Gold Fraud Bombshell: Canada's Only Bullion Bank Gold Vault Is Practically Empty
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Spinout at Government Motors
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A World Without Banks
Imagine a world without bankers.
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Seven Reasons Silver Can Make You Rich
Gold is holding nicely above the neckline of the upside down head and shoulders pattern.
* * * * *
America Is About To Drop Off This List Of Safest Credit Ratings
According to CMA Datavision, the U.S. ranks below nine other countries in terms of the safety of its sovereign debt. Norway is #1 and this has been discussed before on this site. But it's interesting how the Netherlands, Australia, Sweden, and Hong Kong beat out the U.S. as well.
CMA's latest report explains that Sweden and Hong Kong are new entrants into this top ten list, displacing France and Belgium. The U.S. could be next to drop off the list as well, given that it's dead last.

* * * * *
American Arrested in Mexico for Carrying 150 Gold Coins; Coins Seized

* * * * *
The Latest Gold Fraud Bombshell: Canada's Only Bullion Bank Gold Vault Is Practically Empty
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Spinout at Government Motors

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A World Without Banks
Imagine a world without bankers.
* * * * *
Seven Reasons Silver Can Make You Rich
Saturday, April 17, 2010
The Gold Chart Is Looking Good - II
Gold hit the high (resistance) of early January. This is normal.

It is back down to the neckline. Let's see if it holds at the neckline.
Gold should hesitate again in the future when it hits the old higher early December high of about 1220. Last call for cheap gold, and silver.
* * * * *
The Keynesians now have to try and convince people that not only are the people that understand Austrian economics nuts, but so is the BIS (Bank for International Settlements) nuts.
Excerpt from .pdf file link above:
" ...
To answer these questions, it is helpful to review the mechanisms by which persistently high fiscal deficits could lead to inflation.
A first mechanism stresses the ultimate impossibility of continuing to roll over ever increasing levels of public debt when monetary and fiscal authorities are pursuing inconsistent objectives. When the public reaches its limit and is no longer willing to hold public debt, the government would have to resort to monetisation. The result, consistent with the quantity theory of money, is inflation. And anticipation that this will happen may also lead to an increase in inflation today as investors reassess the risk from holding money and government bonds. In such an environment, fighting rising inflation by tightening monetary policy would not work, as an increase in interest rates would lead to higher interest payments on public debt, leading to higher debt, bringing the likely time of monetisation even closer.
... "
The "wealthy", industrialized nations are in deep dodo, especially the US, the biggest, badest, net debtor nation in the world. Yup, it had a good run, but it's over now.
The US Treasury/Fed combo are creating USD like it's going out of style. About 11 trillion of payments, guarantees and promises worth in the last 1-2 years. Wait till that and more gets into the economy and see what happens to the value of USD and prices of the necessities of life.
Too many economies are saturated with debt. More government spending (stimulus) can't solve the problem. That's because too many governments are broke. That means they have to borrow more to spend more. This, when too many economies can't handle any more debt. Heck, if it was just a matter of a government spending more without debt being involved, then people could sit back and nap in the shade rather than go to work ... for ever.
The only reason that governments do this is that too many of their citizen units are too dumb and ignorant to realize that they can't have government spending to benefit them for free. A price somehow, somewhere has to be paid. If everyone was smart and educated (not ignorant), could not be conned, fooled, there wouldn't be any need for governments.
Even the super rich do not really understand what's happening. They don't need to know exactly since most of the super rich are that way from paying governments to protect them and do away with their competition. They don't need true economic knowledge to succeed. So, don't look to them to see what to do or how to protect yourself.
* * * * *
* * * * *
For People Who Think
"The amount of Silver supposedly available for purchase today has plummeted by 90% in less than 20 years. Thus, thirty years of price-fixing has set-up the Silver market for the "Mother of all Supply Squeezes". That is one reason why you should not be afraid of the "rigged" markets for Gold and Silver. ... " - Aubie Baltin CFA, CTA, CFP, PhD.

It is back down to the neckline. Let's see if it holds at the neckline.
Gold should hesitate again in the future when it hits the old higher early December high of about 1220. Last call for cheap gold, and silver.
* * * * *
The Keynesians now have to try and convince people that not only are the people that understand Austrian economics nuts, but so is the BIS (Bank for International Settlements) nuts.
Excerpt from .pdf file link above:
" ...
To answer these questions, it is helpful to review the mechanisms by which persistently high fiscal deficits could lead to inflation.
A first mechanism stresses the ultimate impossibility of continuing to roll over ever increasing levels of public debt when monetary and fiscal authorities are pursuing inconsistent objectives. When the public reaches its limit and is no longer willing to hold public debt, the government would have to resort to monetisation. The result, consistent with the quantity theory of money, is inflation. And anticipation that this will happen may also lead to an increase in inflation today as investors reassess the risk from holding money and government bonds. In such an environment, fighting rising inflation by tightening monetary policy would not work, as an increase in interest rates would lead to higher interest payments on public debt, leading to higher debt, bringing the likely time of monetisation even closer.
... "
The "wealthy", industrialized nations are in deep dodo, especially the US, the biggest, badest, net debtor nation in the world. Yup, it had a good run, but it's over now.
The US Treasury/Fed combo are creating USD like it's going out of style. About 11 trillion of payments, guarantees and promises worth in the last 1-2 years. Wait till that and more gets into the economy and see what happens to the value of USD and prices of the necessities of life.
Too many economies are saturated with debt. More government spending (stimulus) can't solve the problem. That's because too many governments are broke. That means they have to borrow more to spend more. This, when too many economies can't handle any more debt. Heck, if it was just a matter of a government spending more without debt being involved, then people could sit back and nap in the shade rather than go to work ... for ever.
The only reason that governments do this is that too many of their citizen units are too dumb and ignorant to realize that they can't have government spending to benefit them for free. A price somehow, somewhere has to be paid. If everyone was smart and educated (not ignorant), could not be conned, fooled, there wouldn't be any need for governments.
Even the super rich do not really understand what's happening. They don't need to know exactly since most of the super rich are that way from paying governments to protect them and do away with their competition. They don't need true economic knowledge to succeed. So, don't look to them to see what to do or how to protect yourself.
* * * * *
* * * * *
For People Who Think
"The amount of Silver supposedly available for purchase today has plummeted by 90% in less than 20 years. Thus, thirty years of price-fixing has set-up the Silver market for the "Mother of all Supply Squeezes". That is one reason why you should not be afraid of the "rigged" markets for Gold and Silver. ... " - Aubie Baltin CFA, CTA, CFP, PhD.
Thursday, April 01, 2010
The Gold Chart Is Looking Good
Gold has probably finished making its head and shoulder pattern.

The second attempt at a right hand shoulder is probably it for the pattern since it is down to the level of the left hand shoulder of the bigger overall pattern.
"We are spending more money than we have ever spent before, and it does not work. After eight years, we have just as much unemployment as when we started and an enormous debt to boot."
-US Treasury Secretary, Henry Morgenthau, May, 1939
[The "Great Depression", for some (all did not endure hardship to the same degree), was about 15 years long from 1930 to 1945]

The second attempt at a right hand shoulder is probably it for the pattern since it is down to the level of the left hand shoulder of the bigger overall pattern.
"We are spending more money than we have ever spent before, and it does not work. After eight years, we have just as much unemployment as when we started and an enormous debt to boot."
-US Treasury Secretary, Henry Morgenthau, May, 1939
[The "Great Depression", for some (all did not endure hardship to the same degree), was about 15 years long from 1930 to 1945]
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Gold Head And Shoulders Pattern
It looks like what is developing with the gold chart is an upside down head and shoulders pattern.

But, a smaller one within a larger one. All bullish!
* * * * *
The powers that be are worried that a big chunk of bond market participants/players are starting to worry if government debt (US Treasuries for an example) are not really a "safe haven" any more.
". . . Moreover, the global economy has moved into uncharted waters. Never before has a monetary authority embarked on a well-publicized monetary policy whose sole purpose is to boost asset prices in order to sustain consumption, and hence the economy, as is now the case in the United States. That such a desperate, and on many counts highly objectionable, monetary policy can only end in calamity should be clear, but what is less clear is precisely when disaster will strike and how the calamity will play itself out.
Credit has to be given to Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan. He is the first head of a monetary authority who has not only managed to create a series of bubbles in a domestic economy, the United States, but also managed to create bubbles everywhere in the world -- in New Zealand and Australian dollars, emerging market debts, government bonds, commodities, emerging market equities, and capital spending in China. This is an achievement that no one else in the history of capitalism has ever accomplished, and one that investors will never forget once this universal bubble bursts and fills entire chapters of financial history books." … Marc Faber, "Strategic Investing," April 7th issue, 2004
* * * * *
Howard Katz has some good economic history and principles in 2 articles over at Gold Eagle. The type of stuff the schools/colleges/universities refuse to teach. The type of stuff you need to know for survival reasons:
Howard S. Katz
March 8, 2010
Howard S. Katz
March 1, 2010
* * * * *
Gold and silver are chomping at the bit to run higher.

But, a smaller one within a larger one. All bullish!
* * * * *
The powers that be are worried that a big chunk of bond market participants/players are starting to worry if government debt (US Treasuries for an example) are not really a "safe haven" any more.
". . . Moreover, the global economy has moved into uncharted waters. Never before has a monetary authority embarked on a well-publicized monetary policy whose sole purpose is to boost asset prices in order to sustain consumption, and hence the economy, as is now the case in the United States. That such a desperate, and on many counts highly objectionable, monetary policy can only end in calamity should be clear, but what is less clear is precisely when disaster will strike and how the calamity will play itself out.
Credit has to be given to Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan. He is the first head of a monetary authority who has not only managed to create a series of bubbles in a domestic economy, the United States, but also managed to create bubbles everywhere in the world -- in New Zealand and Australian dollars, emerging market debts, government bonds, commodities, emerging market equities, and capital spending in China. This is an achievement that no one else in the history of capitalism has ever accomplished, and one that investors will never forget once this universal bubble bursts and fills entire chapters of financial history books." … Marc Faber, "Strategic Investing," April 7th issue, 2004
* * * * *
Howard Katz has some good economic history and principles in 2 articles over at Gold Eagle. The type of stuff the schools/colleges/universities refuse to teach. The type of stuff you need to know for survival reasons:
Howard S. Katz
March 8, 2010
Howard S. Katz
March 1, 2010
* * * * *
Gold and silver are chomping at the bit to run higher.
Tuesday, March 09, 2010
Peter Schiff Can See $5,000 Gold or Higher
11/9/09 Peter Schiff on Fox Business: $5000 for Gold, or Even Much Higher!
OK!!! That Schiff video got removed from YouTube real fast like. I guess the powers that be do not want people getting turned onto gold and silver. It's hard for governments to steal stored value when the value is stored in gold and silver in people's own hands. It's easy for governments to steal people's value when it's stored as digital bits on the hard drive under the control of a crooked financial institution, one that is doing the bidding of a government, or on a government's hard drive (think Social Security).
So, here are 2 more Schiff videos that have not been removed from YouTube. Peter does not mention targets for the price of gold in these 2 videos, but it's safe to infer, from what he says, that $5,000 gold or higher is not out of the question.
Peter Schiff's Ultimate Prediction, Will he be wrong?
* * * * *
Greyerz really nails it in this piece
by Egon von Greyerz – Matterhorn Asset Management
When we look at the world economy today, wherever we turn we see a wall of risk. And sadly this is an insurmountable wall with risks that are totally unprecedented in history. There has never before been a potentially catastrophic combination of so many virtually bankrupt major sovereign states (US, UK, Spain, Italy Greece, Japan and many more) and a financial system which is bankrupt but is temporarily kept alive with phoney valuations and unlimited money printing. But governments will soon realise that they are not alchemists who can turn printed paper into gold. The consequences of the global financial crisis are potentially catastrophic.
As the Austrian economist von Mises said: “There is no means of avoiding the final collapse of a boom brought about by credit expansion. The alternative is only whether the crisis should come sooner as the result of a voluntary abandonment of further credit expansion or later as a final and total catastrophe of the currency involved.”
In our view, governments like the US and the UK and many others will not abandon further credit expansion. They are committed to printing increasing amounts of worthless paper money in order to finance the growing deficits and the rotten financial system. Therefore there is no chance of Quantitative Easing ending but instead it will accelerate in 2010 and after.
We have found it difficult to fathom so few people realise that the world economy has become a time bomb waiting to explode or more likely implode.
The rest of it can be read at:
“By a continuing process of inflation [remember, it is the increase of the "money" supply, not an increase in prices], governments can confiscate, secretly and unobserved, an important part of the wealth of their citizens. ” - John Maynard Keynes
Gold and silver will be providing incredible protection from the world's current make believe "monetary" and banking system. Remember, mathematically, the current system can not continue forever. It requires the constant increase of debt, which is not possible.
OK!!! That Schiff video got removed from YouTube real fast like. I guess the powers that be do not want people getting turned onto gold and silver. It's hard for governments to steal stored value when the value is stored in gold and silver in people's own hands. It's easy for governments to steal people's value when it's stored as digital bits on the hard drive under the control of a crooked financial institution, one that is doing the bidding of a government, or on a government's hard drive (think Social Security).
So, here are 2 more Schiff videos that have not been removed from YouTube. Peter does not mention targets for the price of gold in these 2 videos, but it's safe to infer, from what he says, that $5,000 gold or higher is not out of the question.
Peter Schiff's Ultimate Prediction, Will he be wrong?
* * * * *
Greyerz really nails it in this piece
by Egon von Greyerz – Matterhorn Asset Management
When we look at the world economy today, wherever we turn we see a wall of risk. And sadly this is an insurmountable wall with risks that are totally unprecedented in history. There has never before been a potentially catastrophic combination of so many virtually bankrupt major sovereign states (US, UK, Spain, Italy Greece, Japan and many more) and a financial system which is bankrupt but is temporarily kept alive with phoney valuations and unlimited money printing. But governments will soon realise that they are not alchemists who can turn printed paper into gold. The consequences of the global financial crisis are potentially catastrophic.
As the Austrian economist von Mises said: “There is no means of avoiding the final collapse of a boom brought about by credit expansion. The alternative is only whether the crisis should come sooner as the result of a voluntary abandonment of further credit expansion or later as a final and total catastrophe of the currency involved.”
In our view, governments like the US and the UK and many others will not abandon further credit expansion. They are committed to printing increasing amounts of worthless paper money in order to finance the growing deficits and the rotten financial system. Therefore there is no chance of Quantitative Easing ending but instead it will accelerate in 2010 and after.
We have found it difficult to fathom so few people realise that the world economy has become a time bomb waiting to explode or more likely implode.
The rest of it can be read at:
“By a continuing process of inflation [remember, it is the increase of the "money" supply, not an increase in prices], governments can confiscate, secretly and unobserved, an important part of the wealth of their citizens. ” - John Maynard Keynes
Gold and silver will be providing incredible protection from the world's current make believe "monetary" and banking system. Remember, mathematically, the current system can not continue forever. It requires the constant increase of debt, which is not possible.
Wednesday, March 03, 2010
Bullish Gold Chart
The gold chart is looking quite bullish right now:

Gold broke up out of a bullish downward sloping triangle. Bull markets make higher highs and higher lows. Then it gapped up in price and then prices came back down till the gap got closed. A finished job which happened to end in a bullish outside reversal day. Then it was up from there.
Additionally, a bullish upside down head and shoulders pattern developed.

Gold broke above the neckline.
This gold chart is shooting for new all time highs in the near future.
Updated Unemployment Rate By County in the US As Of December, 2009 (If you normally keep Javascript turned off for security reasons, it needs to be turned on to actualize the chart.) This chart uses the conservative phony government numbers which are about 1/2 of the real unemployment rate.
Ron Paul says he has been buying gold since 1971 and that a currency crisis is coming, that debt is the monster; has to be liquidated.
New non-destructive technology for detecting tungsten filled gold and silver bars
"Gold Hits Record Highs In Pound, Euro Terms" -

Gold broke up out of a bullish downward sloping triangle. Bull markets make higher highs and higher lows. Then it gapped up in price and then prices came back down till the gap got closed. A finished job which happened to end in a bullish outside reversal day. Then it was up from there.
Additionally, a bullish upside down head and shoulders pattern developed.

Gold broke above the neckline.
This gold chart is shooting for new all time highs in the near future.
Updated Unemployment Rate By County in the US As Of December, 2009 (If you normally keep Javascript turned off for security reasons, it needs to be turned on to actualize the chart.) This chart uses the conservative phony government numbers which are about 1/2 of the real unemployment rate.
Ron Paul says he has been buying gold since 1971 and that a currency crisis is coming, that debt is the monster; has to be liquidated.
New non-destructive technology for detecting tungsten filled gold and silver bars
"Gold Hits Record Highs In Pound, Euro Terms" -
Friday, February 26, 2010
Good Technicals For Gold
On Thursday, the gold price finished going down to close the gap up it made last Tuesday, and made an outside reversal day.

This is very positive for the gold price.
A Tango 2 Learn From
Argentine Currency Crisis 2001 – Review and Reflection

This is very positive for the gold price.
A Tango 2 Learn From
Argentine Currency Crisis 2001 – Review and Reflection
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Staggering Debt and Dollar Creation
Tidbits to show the insanity of the US government's debt and dollar creation madness. This should be scaring the bejeesus out of people, pushing them into gold and silver. Still, too many remain clueless.

On January 28, the US Senate approved by a 60-39 vote a bill to increase the debt "limit" of the US Treasury by $US 1.9 TRILLION to $US 14.294 TRILLION.
In 1985, the whole debt was $1.9 trillion. Now that number is an increase in debt for just one year. Why bother having a debt limit to begin with if they keep increasing it annually or when ever they want? Crazy ruthless action.
The White House said the new budget will be $US 3.8 TRILLION. That's 3.8 not available for the private economy. Imagine what could be done with that by the private economy in increasing people's standard of living. The government is eating alive the private economy inside the US at least.
US Treasury average annual debt increases from 2003 - 2007 were about $556 Billion.
2008's debt increase: $1,017 Billion
2009's debt increase: $1,885 Billion
1787- 1981, it took 194 years for Treasury debt to reach $1 TRILLION.
After that it took just 27 years (2008) to reach $10 TRILLION.
Now, 2010, it's over $14 TRILLION.
There is a compound curve heading up here.
Almost all of this debt started accumulating after the US reneged on it's promise to redeem dollars for gold in 1971. Since 1971 all dollars are backed by nothing but debt. It literally takes the creation of a dollar's worth of debt before a dollar itself can be created.
The more dollars, the more debt, the bigger the economic crash. An argument could be made that the rest of the world is slowing down or has stopped buying US Treasury debt and that it is the Fed that is doing the buying now. It has to create dollars out of nothing to do this.
Gold and silver are your easiest protection from what is coming from the biggest, baddest, broke, dead beat (can never keep all these promises to pay, they're too large), net debtor nation in the world. The net present value of unfunded liabilities are up around $100 TRILLION.
Bill Buckler at The Privateer:
What is shown by the monstrous increase in government debt since 1961 and especially since 2000 is the diversion of precious REAL economic goods and resources from production to consumption. The size of the funded (AND UNFUNDED) debt of the US government is a measure of what has been lost. It measures the productive jobs which have not been created, the capital goods which have not been built or maintained and the real wealth which has not been saved. Worst of all, it measures the erosion of liberty through this wealth diversion into the hands of government. It has taken nearly three years of financial "crisis" for the majority of the American people to wake up to the fact that something is badly wrong.
In JFK's time, money still had a connection to economic reality since the US Dollar was still redeemable in Gold. That is why Treasury funded debt in 1961 was about two percent of what it is today. For Americans and for the rest of the world, the cost of freedom and liberty has come VERY high - especially since none of us has received what most of us thought we were paying for.
* * * * *
Peter Schiff on the State of the Union speech and what the government is doing that is wrong:
Gerald Celente on Obama's State of The Union Speech on YouTube
Ron Paul: State of the Union Address Part 1 of 3 on YouTube
Ron Paul: State of the Union Address Part 2 of 3 on YouTube
Ron Paul: State of the Union Address Part 3 of 3 on YouTube
Gold and silver are your easiest protection from what is coming.

On January 28, the US Senate approved by a 60-39 vote a bill to increase the debt "limit" of the US Treasury by $US 1.9 TRILLION to $US 14.294 TRILLION.
In 1985, the whole debt was $1.9 trillion. Now that number is an increase in debt for just one year. Why bother having a debt limit to begin with if they keep increasing it annually or when ever they want? Crazy ruthless action.
The White House said the new budget will be $US 3.8 TRILLION. That's 3.8 not available for the private economy. Imagine what could be done with that by the private economy in increasing people's standard of living. The government is eating alive the private economy inside the US at least.
US Treasury average annual debt increases from 2003 - 2007 were about $556 Billion.
2008's debt increase: $1,017 Billion
2009's debt increase: $1,885 Billion
1787- 1981, it took 194 years for Treasury debt to reach $1 TRILLION.
After that it took just 27 years (2008) to reach $10 TRILLION.
Now, 2010, it's over $14 TRILLION.
There is a compound curve heading up here.
Almost all of this debt started accumulating after the US reneged on it's promise to redeem dollars for gold in 1971. Since 1971 all dollars are backed by nothing but debt. It literally takes the creation of a dollar's worth of debt before a dollar itself can be created.
The more dollars, the more debt, the bigger the economic crash. An argument could be made that the rest of the world is slowing down or has stopped buying US Treasury debt and that it is the Fed that is doing the buying now. It has to create dollars out of nothing to do this.
Gold and silver are your easiest protection from what is coming from the biggest, baddest, broke, dead beat (can never keep all these promises to pay, they're too large), net debtor nation in the world. The net present value of unfunded liabilities are up around $100 TRILLION.
Bill Buckler at The Privateer:
What is shown by the monstrous increase in government debt since 1961 and especially since 2000 is the diversion of precious REAL economic goods and resources from production to consumption. The size of the funded (AND UNFUNDED) debt of the US government is a measure of what has been lost. It measures the productive jobs which have not been created, the capital goods which have not been built or maintained and the real wealth which has not been saved. Worst of all, it measures the erosion of liberty through this wealth diversion into the hands of government. It has taken nearly three years of financial "crisis" for the majority of the American people to wake up to the fact that something is badly wrong.
In JFK's time, money still had a connection to economic reality since the US Dollar was still redeemable in Gold. That is why Treasury funded debt in 1961 was about two percent of what it is today. For Americans and for the rest of the world, the cost of freedom and liberty has come VERY high - especially since none of us has received what most of us thought we were paying for.
* * * * *
Peter Schiff on the State of the Union speech and what the government is doing that is wrong:
Gerald Celente on Obama's State of The Union Speech on YouTube
Ron Paul: State of the Union Address Part 1 of 3 on YouTube
Ron Paul: State of the Union Address Part 2 of 3 on YouTube
Ron Paul: State of the Union Address Part 3 of 3 on YouTube
Gold and silver are your easiest protection from what is coming.
Wednesday, February 03, 2010
Misc. Dollar and Gold News From The Past That Should Be A Wakeup Call
Saudis drop WTI oil contract
By Javier Blas in London
Published: October 28 2009
Saudi Arabia on Wednesday decided to drop the widely used West Texas Intermediate oil contract as the benchmark for pricing its oil, dealing a serious blow to the New York Mercantile Exchange.
The decision by the world’s biggest oil exporter could encourage other producers to abandon the benchmark and threatens the dominance of the world’s most heavily traded oil futures contract. It is the main contract traded on Nymex.
Turkey to use national currencies in trade with Iran, China
.ANKARA, October 28 (RIA Novosti) - Turkey is switching to national currencies in trade with Iran and China, ending dependence on the U.S. dollar and the euro for about 20% of its commodity turnover, local media reported on Wednesday.
Turkey has already switched to settlements in national currencies with Russia amid weakening confidence in the greenback as the world's major reserve currency. The move was initiated by Turkish President Abdullah Gul during his visit to Moscow in February…
U.S. Inflation to Appear Next in Food and Agriculture
October 30, 2009
The average American consumer today spends approximately 30% of their income on housing and only 10% of their income on food. We expect these numbers to reverse in the years ahead as the U.S. dollar loses its purchasing power. In Germany during hyperinflation, rents fell from 30% to less than 1% of the average households' expenditures while food rose from 30% to a high of over 91%.
Former Wall Street Player Reveals the Inside World Behind Shady Bailouts to Bankers
By Joshua Holland and Nomi Prins, AlterNet. Posted October 30, 2009.
An interview with Prins, former managing director at Goldman Sachs, now a razor-sharp financial muckraker and author of the new book, "It Takes a Pillage."
[What's going on right now is the greatest heist of value stored in the USD in the history of the US. After all, that's the main function (theft of stored value) of a central bank's monopoly on issuing what ever it is that people are forced to use for a medium of exchange, store of value and unit of measure of value. It's just that now, it's gotten totally out of hand. Nothing new in history though. It's just that the masses never learn, which is why central banks can get away with the theft. And, at the moment, the masses do not know what is happening. Even when it all falls down, many still will never understand the causes of what happen.]
Paul Tudor Jones: Why Gold Will Soar
“precious metals exposure has been increasing and is currently the largest commodity exposure. As a result we have included, for this quarter, a separate discussion on gold as an appendix. I have never been a gold bug. It is just an asset that, like everything else in life, has its time and place. And now is that time.”
[ There are very few in the commodity trading world who are true legends. Paul Tudor Jones, who began his career as a cotton trader for Refco, is not only a legend, but among the best of them. His comment that gold’s time has come will reverberate in the commodity world and be taken VERY SERIOUSLY. ]
Inflation by Stealth
John Browne
Oct 29, 2009
The TARP money, financed by an increase in the monetary base, has been provided to the banks at zero cost. And for the first time ever, the Fed is paying interest on bank reserves. Therefore, the banks can loan money to the Fed and to the government, via Treasury securities, at an interest rate spread of some 3 to 4 percent without risk. Given these incentives, it makes no sense to loan to anybody else. So, despite a massive increase in the monetary base, credit remains tight and price levels flat.
However, if the Fed stops paying interest on bank reserves or otherwise 'persuades' the banks to lend, the $1 trillion will be leveraged up by the banks and spewed out into the economy. Fractional reserve banking will transform a $1 trillion monetary base injection into a $9 trillion increase in money supply. When that happens, prices for everything will go through the roof.
So for now, inflation is like a ninja stalking our economy. It's lurking in the shadows but can't easily be seen. But once its strikes, it will be fast and deadly.
A 5 page .pdf file:
Surreality Check Part Two..
Dead government walking
By: Eric Sprott & David Franklin
October 2009
In November 2007 we wrote an article entitled “Surreality Check... Dead Men Walking”, in which we
discussed the early warning signs of the impending credit crisis and highlighted companies that were looking particularly troubled to us at the time.
As respected market commentator David Rosenberg recently wrote, “the stock market is divorced from economic reality”.1 It’s time for another surreality check, but this time it isn’t the publicly traded companies that deserve attention, it’s the governments that have saved them. Make no mistake – the dead men are still walking – they’re just a lot bigger now than they were two years ago, and they don’t generate earnings – they print money and tax their citizens.
we thought we’d state it outright for our readers this month: the United States Government is on a trajectory to default on their obligations.
There simply isn’t enough taxing power, value creation or outside capital willing to support its egregious spending.
Three years later, the financial condition of the US government is completely untenable. The projected US deficit from 2009 to 2019 is now slated to be almost $9 trillion dollars.
[That's using cash accrual method of accounting (illegal for the rest of us). 10s of trillions using GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles)]
On a GAAP basis, US government unfunded obligations increased by more than $9 trillion from last year alone!
The real shocker that we discovered some time ago is that the FDIC ‘funds’ were never even held in a segregated bank account – the fees collected from the banks are accounted for as a part of the government’s general revenues that go towards military spending, bailouts, interest costs and other government programs.
[Don't you wish you could write yourself an I.O.U. and put it down on a loan application as an asset, or to just kid yourself about what your net worth is?] [The FDIC "insures" (fraud) about 5 trillion of deposits, yet is broke.]
Central banks are going from selling gold to buying gold; Germany has stopped selling it while India bought 200 ton. Here is just another country, the latest, that is getting it:
Sri Lanka buying gold to diversify reserves
Nov 5 (Reuters)NEW DELHI, India -- Sri Lanka's central bank has been buying gold for the past five or six months as it diversifies its reserves amid volatile markets, the bank's governor said in an interview on Thursday.
"We have been fairly strong accumulators of gold reserves over the past few months," Sri Lanka Central Bank Governor Ajith Nivard Cabraal told Reuters in a telephone interview from the southern Indian city of Chennai.
"We haven't stopped yet," he added, declining to quantify how much gold the central bank had bought or how much of the more than $4.8 billion of the country's reserves were in gold.
"Many countries are today diversifying. They are also looking at intrinsic value of their reserves, so gold would be a natural candidate for that kind of reserve accumulation," he said.
In the New York Times no less:
November 8, 2009
Inside the Global Gold Frenzy
MENDRISIO, Switzerland
HERE, in a corner of Switzerland where Italian is spoken and roughly one-third of the world’s gold is refined into bars and ingots, business is booming. Every day, bangles, bracelets and necklaces arrive in plastic bags — from souks in the Middle East, from pawn shops in Asia and from corner jewelers in Europe and North America.
“It’s not that gold has changed, but gold buyers have changed,” said Suki Cooper, a precious-metals strategist for Barclays Capital. “It’s a structural shift we’re seeing on the investing side, from Asian central banks right down to individual investors buying ingots and coins.”
At the airport in Zurich, where there are special vaults to hold gold, shipments of jewelry arrive daily on early morning flights before making their way here via a twisty, three-hour journey through the mountains on tightly guarded trucks. After the jewelry is unloaded, gold ingots, bars and other forms of bullion — already stacked like cordwood along the sooty corridors of Argor-Heraeus — are sent back to Zurich in the same trucks.
“The truck never drives back empty,” said Mr. Oberli. “Time is so important because the value of the material is so high.”
Gold has been around as an investment for 6,000 years,” Mr. Oberli said. “When there is no alternative, it’s there.”
By Javier Blas in London
Published: October 28 2009
Saudi Arabia on Wednesday decided to drop the widely used West Texas Intermediate oil contract as the benchmark for pricing its oil, dealing a serious blow to the New York Mercantile Exchange.
The decision by the world’s biggest oil exporter could encourage other producers to abandon the benchmark and threatens the dominance of the world’s most heavily traded oil futures contract. It is the main contract traded on Nymex.
Turkey to use national currencies in trade with Iran, China
.ANKARA, October 28 (RIA Novosti) - Turkey is switching to national currencies in trade with Iran and China, ending dependence on the U.S. dollar and the euro for about 20% of its commodity turnover, local media reported on Wednesday.
Turkey has already switched to settlements in national currencies with Russia amid weakening confidence in the greenback as the world's major reserve currency. The move was initiated by Turkish President Abdullah Gul during his visit to Moscow in February…
U.S. Inflation to Appear Next in Food and Agriculture
October 30, 2009
The average American consumer today spends approximately 30% of their income on housing and only 10% of their income on food. We expect these numbers to reverse in the years ahead as the U.S. dollar loses its purchasing power. In Germany during hyperinflation, rents fell from 30% to less than 1% of the average households' expenditures while food rose from 30% to a high of over 91%.
Former Wall Street Player Reveals the Inside World Behind Shady Bailouts to Bankers
By Joshua Holland and Nomi Prins, AlterNet. Posted October 30, 2009.
An interview with Prins, former managing director at Goldman Sachs, now a razor-sharp financial muckraker and author of the new book, "It Takes a Pillage."
[What's going on right now is the greatest heist of value stored in the USD in the history of the US. After all, that's the main function (theft of stored value) of a central bank's monopoly on issuing what ever it is that people are forced to use for a medium of exchange, store of value and unit of measure of value. It's just that now, it's gotten totally out of hand. Nothing new in history though. It's just that the masses never learn, which is why central banks can get away with the theft. And, at the moment, the masses do not know what is happening. Even when it all falls down, many still will never understand the causes of what happen.]
Paul Tudor Jones: Why Gold Will Soar

“precious metals exposure has been increasing and is currently the largest commodity exposure. As a result we have included, for this quarter, a separate discussion on gold as an appendix. I have never been a gold bug. It is just an asset that, like everything else in life, has its time and place. And now is that time.”
[ There are very few in the commodity trading world who are true legends. Paul Tudor Jones, who began his career as a cotton trader for Refco, is not only a legend, but among the best of them. His comment that gold’s time has come will reverberate in the commodity world and be taken VERY SERIOUSLY. ]

John Browne
Oct 29, 2009
The TARP money, financed by an increase in the monetary base, has been provided to the banks at zero cost. And for the first time ever, the Fed is paying interest on bank reserves. Therefore, the banks can loan money to the Fed and to the government, via Treasury securities, at an interest rate spread of some 3 to 4 percent without risk. Given these incentives, it makes no sense to loan to anybody else. So, despite a massive increase in the monetary base, credit remains tight and price levels flat.
However, if the Fed stops paying interest on bank reserves or otherwise 'persuades' the banks to lend, the $1 trillion will be leveraged up by the banks and spewed out into the economy. Fractional reserve banking will transform a $1 trillion monetary base injection into a $9 trillion increase in money supply. When that happens, prices for everything will go through the roof.
So for now, inflation is like a ninja stalking our economy. It's lurking in the shadows but can't easily be seen. But once its strikes, it will be fast and deadly.
A 5 page .pdf file:
Surreality Check Part Two..
Dead government walking
By: Eric Sprott & David Franklin
October 2009

In November 2007 we wrote an article entitled “Surreality Check... Dead Men Walking”, in which we
discussed the early warning signs of the impending credit crisis and highlighted companies that were looking particularly troubled to us at the time.
As respected market commentator David Rosenberg recently wrote, “the stock market is divorced from economic reality”.1 It’s time for another surreality check, but this time it isn’t the publicly traded companies that deserve attention, it’s the governments that have saved them. Make no mistake – the dead men are still walking – they’re just a lot bigger now than they were two years ago, and they don’t generate earnings – they print money and tax their citizens.
we thought we’d state it outright for our readers this month: the United States Government is on a trajectory to default on their obligations.
There simply isn’t enough taxing power, value creation or outside capital willing to support its egregious spending.
Three years later, the financial condition of the US government is completely untenable. The projected US deficit from 2009 to 2019 is now slated to be almost $9 trillion dollars.
[That's using cash accrual method of accounting (illegal for the rest of us). 10s of trillions using GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles)]
On a GAAP basis, US government unfunded obligations increased by more than $9 trillion from last year alone!
The real shocker that we discovered some time ago is that the FDIC ‘funds’ were never even held in a segregated bank account – the fees collected from the banks are accounted for as a part of the government’s general revenues that go towards military spending, bailouts, interest costs and other government programs.
[Don't you wish you could write yourself an I.O.U. and put it down on a loan application as an asset, or to just kid yourself about what your net worth is?] [The FDIC "insures" (fraud) about 5 trillion of deposits, yet is broke.]
Central banks are going from selling gold to buying gold; Germany has stopped selling it while India bought 200 ton. Here is just another country, the latest, that is getting it:
Sri Lanka buying gold to diversify reserves
Nov 5 (Reuters)NEW DELHI, India -- Sri Lanka's central bank has been buying gold for the past five or six months as it diversifies its reserves amid volatile markets, the bank's governor said in an interview on Thursday.
"We have been fairly strong accumulators of gold reserves over the past few months," Sri Lanka Central Bank Governor Ajith Nivard Cabraal told Reuters in a telephone interview from the southern Indian city of Chennai.
"We haven't stopped yet," he added, declining to quantify how much gold the central bank had bought or how much of the more than $4.8 billion of the country's reserves were in gold.
"Many countries are today diversifying. They are also looking at intrinsic value of their reserves, so gold would be a natural candidate for that kind of reserve accumulation," he said.
In the New York Times no less:
November 8, 2009
Inside the Global Gold Frenzy
MENDRISIO, Switzerland
HERE, in a corner of Switzerland where Italian is spoken and roughly one-third of the world’s gold is refined into bars and ingots, business is booming. Every day, bangles, bracelets and necklaces arrive in plastic bags — from souks in the Middle East, from pawn shops in Asia and from corner jewelers in Europe and North America.
“It’s not that gold has changed, but gold buyers have changed,” said Suki Cooper, a precious-metals strategist for Barclays Capital. “It’s a structural shift we’re seeing on the investing side, from Asian central banks right down to individual investors buying ingots and coins.”
At the airport in Zurich, where there are special vaults to hold gold, shipments of jewelry arrive daily on early morning flights before making their way here via a twisty, three-hour journey through the mountains on tightly guarded trucks. After the jewelry is unloaded, gold ingots, bars and other forms of bullion — already stacked like cordwood along the sooty corridors of Argor-Heraeus — are sent back to Zurich in the same trucks.
“The truck never drives back empty,” said Mr. Oberli. “Time is so important because the value of the material is so high.”
Gold has been around as an investment for 6,000 years,” Mr. Oberli said. “When there is no alternative, it’s there.”
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