Gold: the protector and creator of jobs

Hugo Salinas Price
"Some readers may ask themselves, “What has gold to do with protecting jobs? Gold hoarders are certainly not creating jobs, and hoarding more gold will not help at all.”
Gold has everything to do with the loss of jobs in the US, and gold has everything to do with recovering jobs for the US economy.
With no loss of gold to restrain the US and force it to stop expanding credit, US imports surged and exports waned. The monetary difference was “paid” in dollars.
There was no restraint to US credit expansion. It was a lovely time to be young and an American.
The fiat dollar – unanchored to gold – was the greatest strategic gift that the US could have made to China. Now, they have a huge industrial base and the US has Oh, so little!
The damage is done. How to recover the industrial base of the US ? Not by slogans such as “ Buy American ”, nor by protectionism.
What is required is to recover economic balance between the nations of the world so that they all can balance their exports with their imports. This is not done by protectionism, a false remedy to joblessness.
The world needs to return to gold as the international means of payment. All imbalances must be paid, monthly, in gold. No fiat money “payment” allowed!
The Gold Standard is the friend and protector of the worker and of the investor, as well as the basis for harmonious relations between the nations of the world.
And by the way, the current financial disaster in the US is directly attributable to Nixon's decision to “close the gold window”, because a monetary system based on gold is an obstacle to the criminal credit expansion perpetrated by the bankers. Gold based money puts shackles on bankers, forcing them to be careful. A fiat money system enables financial criminality – it's as effective in restraining criminality in finance as tying up a dog with a string of sausages."
Newstopia explains the Reserve Bank

Those that have been taking advantage of recently low gold and silver prices, trading their government fiat tokens for real actual money, leaving very little in "banks", are going to be well rewarded for doing the opposite of what governments, the mass media and the financial world are telling people to do.