Jim Rogers in Seoul on the USD and more. He is still carrying around 2 gold pieces in his pockets.
The "Summit on Financial Markets and the World Economy" in Washington DC is not going to amount to a hill of beans. Politicians would have to voluntarily give up a lot of power to do anything that would actually make a significant difference, as in allowing real money to be used, or an honest currency redeemable in something by anybody, to be used.
New!! Ron Paul has a run in with (grills) Ben Bernanke. To bad he only has about 5 minutes:
Volcker issues dire warning on slump
"What this crisis reveals is a broken financial system like no other in my lifetime," he told a conference at Lombard Street Research in London.
"There has been leveraging in the economy beyond imagination, and nobody was saying we need to do something,"
Judy Shelton writes:
Stable Money Is the Key to Recovery
One thing is guaranteed: Most attendees will take the view that Wall Street greed and inadequate regulatory oversight by U.S. authorities caused the global financial crisis -- never mind that their own regulatory agencies missed the boat and that their own governments eagerly bought up Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac securities for the higher yield over Treasurys.
But whatever they agree to pursue, whether new transnational regulatory authority or globally mandated limits on executive remuneration, would only stultify prospects for economic recovery -- and completely miss the point.
To speak of "overvalued" or "undervalued" currencies is to raise the question: Why can't we just have money that works -- a meaningful unit of account to provide accurate price signals to producers and consumers across the globe?
"The sad fact of the matter is that the current financial system - the one which grew out of the final repudiation of Gold in 1971 and the "floating" of all currencies in 1973 - is much to the taste of the political and monetary powers that be. In fact, without it, the intrusions of governments everywhere could never have reached anything like their present all-encompassing size. "Running" a country is a very expensive proposition." - Bill Buckler
The only type of "Running" an economy governments can do is into the ground.

All this in full view of Congressional Market Oversight Committees and under the supervision of Government Regulatory Agencies. If governments can't organize a dozen of donuts at home, what are they doiing talking about organizing the world's financial system.
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