Thursday, March 06, 2008

Gold and Silver Outside Reversals Days

The first business day of March, silver puts in a ** 10th ** up day in a row. Then the next day both gold and silver had good down days. Then the next day, **BAM **, outside reversal days to the upside for both gold and silver. Screamingly bullish, in your face to the anti-gold cartel, price action.

Here is how they look on futures charts:

A fun graphic:

Silver moved up about a dollar during the NY hours. At some point, silver will be making moves up of $4-5 per day, making 100% gains in a day for those that bought silver back when it was between $4-5. They will be having several 100% gains in a day at some point out there in the future. The gold and silver outside reversal days are things of beauty. There will be more and they will be bigger.

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